Lebensqualitäts-Monitoring Online (online monitoring of quality of life)
chronic disease; comorbid psychological distress; health related quality of life (HrQoL); rehabilitation; patient-reported-outcomes (PRO)
Project Management
Cooperation Partners
Family-oriented rehabilitation clinic
Gemeindewaldstr. 75
78052 Tannheim, Germany
Management: Roland Wehrle; Thomas Müller
Medical clinic direction: MD Tilman Eberle
Psychosocial service direction: Jochen Künzel Msc
Phone: 07705 - 92 00
E-Mail: info[at]tannheim.de
Project Term
1st July 2014 – 31st December 2018 and 1st January 2020 – 31st December 2024
Link Project Website
A new project website is currently in development. Follow this link to get to our current project website:
Background & Aim of the Project
The maintenance and improvement of patient’s HrQoL as well as their parents´ HrQoL is a central task of health care. Therefore, the acquisition of HrQoL with simple tools in every day clinical practice and the consideration of HrQoL in planning and evaluating the therapeutic process are essential. Often, standard paper-and-pencil questionnaires are too time-consuming and insufficiently included in the communication between medical practitioners and patients and their families. Therefore, the aim of his study is to provide patients of the Family-oriented rehabilitation clinic (FOR) Tannheim with an internet-based assessment and evaluation of their HrQoL both at admission and in the curse of the treatment. As a result, we aim to achieve a better integration of the evaluation of HrQoL and enable treatments that are rather tailored to individual patient needs. Additionally, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the FOR-program.
After a feasibility trial with participants of bereaved parents, the concept should be implemented into clinical routine-FOR-care. In the second phase, the concept should be used for all in FOR treated patient-groups. For the evaluation we will conduct systematic group-statistical data-analysis to ensure quality management and to evaluate the effects of healthcare provider-patient communication.
Description of the Project
In cooperation with the FOR Tannheim and based on results of the previous project (LQM at the Ulmer online clinic), the internet-based LQM assessment program should be prepared for the routine implementation in FOR. Additionally, the program´s feasibility and user-acceptance (FOR participants and their medical practitioners) have being tested. We aim to use a combination of generic and disease-specific instruments to provide both cross-diagnostic evaluations and comparisons and to describe diagnose-specific aspects of rehabilitation.
Based on the findings of the pilot testing phase, the interned-based LQM program is aiming to implement to the remaining patient-groups in FOR (oncology, cardiology, cystic fibrosis) as well as to the participants of “young rehabilitation” and the rehabilitation27+. We plan to conduct the HrQoL evaluation of patients who participate on FOR until one year post-treatment and to create quality reports for the evaluation of the efficacy of the FOR. Additionally, we aim to public the results of this project and to prepare a final project report containing procedures for the system’s project-independent continuation.
Publications and created materials
A new project website is currently in development. Follow this link to get to our current project website:
Baumann, I., Künzel, J., Goldbeck, L., Tutus, D., & Niemitz, M. (2020). Prolonged Grief, Posttraumatic Stress, and Depression Among Bereaved Parents: Prevalence and Response to an Intervention Program. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0030222820918674
Tutus, D. (2019). Psychological Symptoms among Bereaved Parents: Prevalence and Response to an Inpatient Rehabilitation Program. Poster presented at the ISTSS 35th Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Abstract retrieved from https://istss.org/ISTSS_Main/media/Documents/ISTSS-Poster-Abstract-Book_1.pdf
Tutus, D. , Plener, P. L., & Niemitz, M. (2018). Ulmer Onlineklinik – eine Plattform für internetbasierte Psychodiagnostik und psychologische Online-Interventionsprogramme. PiD – Psychotherapie im Dialog, 19(04), 71-75.
doi: 10.1055/a-0592-0230
Contact Address
Funded by
Deutsche Kinderkrebsnachsorge -Stiftung für das chronisch kranke Kind Tannheim
Gemeindewaldstraße 75, 78052 Villingen-Schwenningen