Development of an In-Depth E-Learning Curriculum for Additional Qualification in Trauma Education and Trauma Therapy as well as the Development Safeguarding Measures in Institutions

E-Learning, Qualifizierung, Traumapädagogik, Traumatherapie, Schutzkonzepte, Gefährdungsanalyse
Project Management
Cooperation Partners
Prof. Dr. Michael Kölch, Rostock University Medical Center
Prof. Dr. Frank Neuner, University of Bielefeld
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schröer, University of Hildesheim
Prof. Dr. Mechthild Wolff, Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ute Ziegenhain, University Hospital Ulm
Dr. Marc Schmid, UPK Basel
Background & Aim of the Project
The aim of the project is to offer professionals, who work with sexually abused and/or multiply traumatized children or who are responsible in institutions for the protection against (sexual) traumatization, a well-founded advanced training opportunity based on up-to-date scientific knowledge.
Within this project, four online courses were generated and evaluated:
- Course I: Trauma Therapy
- Course II: Trauma Education
- Course III: Safeguarding Measures in Organizations - Developing Safeguarding Measures in a Participatory and Mindful Way
- Course IV: Basic knowledge of child protection in institutions – an online course for managing positions
Pedagogical and medical-therapeutic professionals are the target group of these courses. The courses on trauma therapy (“Traumatherapie“) and trauma education (“Traumapädagogik“) are meant to enable participants to offer better support to children and adolescents having experienced sexual abuse or other traumatic events. Anyone being responsible for the protection of children in institutions can learn to analyze potential risks for child maltreatment in institutions and to develop safeguarding measures participatively (“Schutzkonzepte in Organisationen – Schutzprozesse partizipativ und achtsam gestalten“). The online course for managing positions on basic knowlege of child protection in institutions (“Leitungswissen Kinderschutz in Institutionen – ein Online-Kurs für Führungskräfte“) has been designed specifically for the tasks of managers in the context of child protection. Managers in leading positions are enabled to initiate and to actively shape the development of safeguarding measures as well as to create a trauma-sensitive environment in the institutions (care facilities, schools or clinics) they manage.
Description of the Project
During the first project period (2014-2017) three testing cohorts participated in the course. Nearly 1,500 people have completed one of the courses. The results of the accompanying research show a high degree of satisfaction with the courses and the learning materials on offer, as well as an increase in knowledge and capacities.
All four courses have been certified by the State Medical Association Baden-Württemberg.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research extended the funding until the end of 2019. During this second project period (2017-2019), a tool to raise a participation fee was tested, concepts for workshops were developed and workshops were conducted and evaluated. Also during this period, the online courses proved to be attractive for the target groups – in total, 824 people finished one of the courses. They stated to be very pleased with the content of the courses and found the participation fee adequate.
Due to a cooperation with the German Hospital Federation, the free of charge participation in the two online-courses “Safeguarding Measures in Organizations” and “Basic knowledge of child protection in institutions – an online course for managing positions” is possible since May 2019 for employees of hospital being a member of the Federation.
Contact Address
Funded by
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)